Step 1: Choose a domain:
The first step in choosing your URL or Domain is to search for availability.
When you are thinking about choosing a URL, consider the smallest viable audience. In this example, if I was a physical therapist wanting to help 40-year-old adults find fitness before the age of 50, I would consider the following URL.
Step 2: Choosing a host
I have always used Bluehost because of its ease of use, incredible customer support, and affordable plans.
Bluehost might not be the fastest hosting platform, but if you optimize your site for speed it will be fast enough. In recent years when I monetize a site with display ads I often move the hosting to Ezoic.
Step 4: How to choose your niche:
“Riches are in the niches”
Answer the following questions –
1.) Is there urgency?
Does your customer need the problem solved quickly? What happens if the problem isn’t solved? For example, if I am standing in my kitchen and I hear water gushing through the crawlspace overhead and I see a water stain growing on the ceiling and I don’t know how to turn off the water main… I need a plumber NOW!
If I just had a total knee replacement surgery and it is 1:12 AM and I can not remember what the surgeon said about positioning my leg at night or changing the dressing when I get home.
2.) Is it worth solving the problem?
A problem may have urgency, but the customer might not have the money to buy the solution. Building a low cost low profit solution to a problem that is only affecting a small audience doesn’t make sense.
Solve big problems for a small audience or a small problem for a large audience.