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Topics covered in this article:

  1. Ezoic – Adding Display Ads = $300/mo
  2. Amazon Affiliate Links – $200/mo
  3. YouTube Monetization – $1,000/Mo
  4. $18,000 per year annual profit
  5. $50,000 Website Valuation

The first question I always get is “But Tony, how much work is involved in starting a blog?”

My response is “A LOT!”

But like most dreams of passive income, nothing good ever comes easily.

In the following article, I will share the three main income streams from my physical therapy website and screenshots of what each of these income streams are paying.

Ezoic – Adding Display Ads = $300/Mo

Ezoic is an ad network that is free to join and has recently made it easier than ever to join by eliminating the minimum traffic requirements.

Their onboarding is relatively easy and can be done by you if you have a very basic understanding of your website. They also offer support and a Facebook group for help.

I joined Ezoic at the end of October 2021 and since joining my monthly income has been increasing. My first full month of income was December 2021 during which I earned $243.86.

November 2021 Income Report $102.09 (ePMV $17.97)
December 2021 Income Report $243.86 (ePMV $17.46)
January 2022 Income Report $247.18 (ePMV $15.44)
February 2022 Income Report Coming Soon

In the image below you can see a LIVE screenshot from my Ezoic account. My physical therapy website generated 15,814 visits over the past 30-days resulting in $300.96 of ad revenue.

Ezoic Earnings Physical Therapy Website 1 Month Equals $300

Amazon Affiliate Links – $200/mo

I have been an Amazon Affiliate since 2019 and then before that I had Amazon affiliate accounts back in early and mid 2000’s.

The challenge with an Amazon affiliate account is if you don’t have traffic you don’t generate commissions.

Now that my website is generating 15K plus visits and 35K plus pageviews, I am seeing my Amazon affiliate commissions rise.


In the screenshot above you can see the most recent 30-days generated $205.09 in affiliate commission.

Below you can see my 2021 annual commissions from Amazon.


YouTube Monetization – $1,000/Mo

YouTube has been my most profitable monetization strategy to date. My YouTube channel started gaining viewership in 2019 and since then grew to 1.5M views a year and has been holding steady at that level.

This channel was first monetized in February of 2020 and since then has averaged $1,000 in ad revenue monthly for more than 12 months.


In part 2 of this article I will discuss how to value the cashflow of this website and YouTube channel and how I estimate the value at $50,000 if I were to sell it today.

Anthony Maritato, PT

Anthony Maritato, PT

Private Practice Owner / Physical Therapist

After starting a private practice physical therapy clinic in 2022 with his wife Kathy Maritato, PT, Tony and Kathy grew their practice to five locations across two states.

Now, Tony and Kathy enjoy spending time treating patients in the morning, coaching therapists in the evening, and being home to play with their dog Tucker and 4 boys.