Does My PT Plan of Care Need to Say Outpatient In The Home?
Question: "For mobile PTs... When you are sending a POC to the Dr are you specifically writing outpatient PT in the patients home (or something similar specifying they are being treated in their house)? If I write that I don't want the Dr thinking home health. Also, I...
CPT Code Therex 97110
CPT Code Therex 97110 CPT Code Therex 97110 (Therapeutic Exercise) was the 4th highest ranked procedure code listed on the 2021 CMS CERT Overpayment Top 20 List.What is the Medicare definition of CPT Code Therex 97110? Reference: LCD L34049 "Therapeutic exercises are...
Medicare Provider Enrollment Rejection
Nothing is more frustrating than when you Medicare provider enrollment rejection notice arrives in your email inbox. What happens if your physical therapy Medicare provider enrollment application is denied? If you are a physical therapist applying to become a...