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This article is a YouTube channel roundup of 2022’s BEST Physical Therapy YouTube Channels.

Selection Criteria… My Personal Opinion!

This is a growing list. I will be adding channels as I find them. Check back regularly to see new listings.

Physical Therapy YouTube Channels Discovered in March 2022

Anthony Maritato, PT

Anthony Maritato, PT

Private Practice Owner / Physical Therapist

After starting a private practice physical therapy clinic in 2022 with his wife Kathy Maritato, PT, Tony and Kathy grew their practice to five locations across two states.

Now, Tony and Kathy enjoy spending time treating patients in the morning, coaching therapists in the evening, and being home to play with their dog Tucker and 4 boys.

7 TIPS for What to Wear to Physical Therapy

Choosing What to Wear to Physical Therapy Depends on What is Being Treated Physical therapy is a broad profession and encompasses the treatment of many different conditions. A patient receiving treatment for low back pain might dress very differently than a patient...