News 2022: Unitedhealthcare Requires 59 Modifier for Therapy Services
Despite the recent changes to the NCCI edits no longer requiring CPT Code 97530 to require a 59 modifier when billed on the same date of service and by the same therapist as CPT Code 97140 some therapists recently have reported non-payments when these two CPT Codes are billed on the same date of service to Unitedhealthcare without the 59 modifer.
Top 5 Highest Paying Physical Therapy Codes
1. 97161 - Physical Therapy Evaluation $98.60 2. 97530 - Therapeutic Exercise $36.21 3. 97112 - Neuromuscular ReEducation $33.54 4. 97535 - Self Care / Home Management $32.13 5. 97110 / 97116 Therex / Gait Training $28.97 97161 - Physical Therapy...
Pricing CashPT Cash Based Physical Therapy Services in 2022
For new cash based physical therapy practice owners, pricing cashpt is challenging. In this article I will share some different pricing models including my favorite which is called Value-Based Pricing.There are 3 ways to establish your CashPT...
3 Pricing Psychology Tips for a Cash Based Physical Therapy Practice
The psychology of pricing is often more important than the actual pricing. Bottled water is a classic example. Water is a commodity. Fill a cup from your kitchen sink and pay $0.05. Pour the same water from a plastic bottle and pay $2. Buy that...