News 2022: Unitedhealthcare Requires 59 Modifier for Therapy Services
Despite the recent changes to the NCCI edits no longer requiring CPT Code 97530 to require a 59 modifier when billed on the same date of service and by the same therapist as CPT Code 97140 some therapists recently have reported non-payments when these two CPT Codes are billed on the same date of service to Unitedhealthcare without the 59 modifer.
3 BEST Ways to Get More Physical Therapy Visits
Many non-Medicare health insurance policies have limits on the number of physical therapy visits the plan will reimburse during a calendar year. Some plans are limited to 20 visits per year. Other plans are limited to 60 visits per year. In this...
When Does A Physical Therapy Referral or Prescription Expire
Determining how long a physical therapy referral, also known as a prescription, is good for must take into account state practice act guidelines as well as third party payer guidelines. Medicare Part B, for example, does not require a physical...
1 EASY Way To QUICKLY Fix A Denied Claim In MINUTES
If you have submitted a physical therapy claim, occupational therapy claim, or speech language pathology claim and receieve any of the following denial codes please keep reading:119 - Benefit maximum for this time period or occurrence has been...